80th Anniversary of D-Day - Multiple commemoration events in the County
Sun 9th June 2024
The D-Day landings of 6 June 1944 was the largest seaborne invasion in history. Along with the associated airborne operations, it marked the beginning of the liberation of France and western Europe. This year there were many events in the County to encourage meaningful connections and celebrate the legacy of the whole D-Day generation.
This year marks the 80th anniversaries of momentous battles of the Second World War. The roads to freedom were opened with hard-fought battles from the beaches of Normandy to the forests and hills of India, in a conflict where the Allied nations came together in unprecedented collaboration.
Bedfordshire held a number of commemorative events and the Lieutenancy were invited to attend, lay wreaths and light beacons in Ampthill, Potton, Silsoe, Toddington, Luton, Shefford and Shillington.
Please take a look at the photographs below to see some of the events we attended.
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Wreath presentation for transport to Normandy (Bedford)
Wreath presentation for transport to Normandy (Bedford)
Wreath presentation for transport to Normandy (Bedford)
Beacon lighting in Ampthill Park
Beacon lighting in Ampthill Park
Luton Anniversary of D-Day Event
Silsoe Beacon Lighting
Silsoe Beacon Lighting
Shillington D-Day Event
Ampthill D-Day Sevirce